Ancient History
Source of Ancient Indian History
Pre-Historic Period
Indus Valley Civilization
Vedic Culture
Buddhism and Jainism
Pre- Mauryan Empire
Mauryan Empire
Post Mauryan Development
The Sangam Age
Post Gupta Era
Harsha Empire
Medieval History
Tripartite struggle and Imperial Cholas
Rajput Kingdoms and Arab Invansions
Delhi Sultanate
Bhakti and Sufi Movement
Vijayanagar and Bahmani Empire
Mughal Empire
The Marathas
Modern History
Advent of the Europeans in India
India on the Eve of the British Conquest
Expansion and consolidation of British Power in India
people’s resistance against the British before 1857
The Revolt of 1857
Socio-Religious Reform movements
Reform Movement
Beginning of Modern Nationalism in India
Indian National Congress
Era of Militant Nationalism
First World War and Nationalist Response
Emergence of Gandhi
Non-Cooperation Movement
Emergence of Swarajists, Socialist Ideas
Civil Disobedience Movement
Demand for Pakistan, and the INA
Development of Education
Simon Commission
Nehru Report
Round Table Conference
Post-War National Scenario
Peasant Movement
Quit India Movement
Working Class Movement
Constitutional, Administrative, and Judicial Developmet
Economic Impact of British Rule in India
Development of Indian Press